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Passive Incomes
Why do…..

some people continue to work until they die, and
• others can retire early?

The difference is that the one who can afford to retire early is earning a passive income of some kind. Should it be interest on investments, income from real estate, royalties or income from network marketing. It does not matter what kind of passive income you are earning, the fact remains that earning a passive income will make your life easier and more enjoyable and make it possible to retire early.

Would you like to:

• spend more time with you family?
• drive your dream car?
• live in your dream home?
• shop where you would like to shop and not where you can afford to shop?
• work whenever you want and stop enriching your boss?

In just moments you will discover…..

How to achieve all of this.

Read this information now!!
Start your own Network Marketing Business
“PASSIVE INCOMES”An opportunityYou may find hard to believe, once you see how simple and easy it is !!!!

Dear Friend,
If you are the smart kind of person who realize the above facts, and would like to change your financial situation or current lifestyle, I seriously urge you to to keep on reading!
This will be the most profitable and exciting letter you have ever read.!!

A new magazine called "Passive Incomes" has been launched this year and is available in shops throughout South Africa.

Passive Incomes will present various passive income generating ideas to you. It will publish interviews with successful passive income earners. It will also publish personal development and motivational articles, and much more.

If you are serious about your success you cannot afford to go without this publication. And just to show that they put their money where their mouths are, they also attached a marketing business to the subscriptions where you can earn an ongoing passive income by referring new subscribers to the magazine. By personally referring 8 new subscribers your commission will already cover your monthly subscription which means that you would have a free magazine subscription for life.

Of course you do not have to stop at 8, the more subscribers you refer the more money you will earn. You can use Passive Incomes as one of your passive income generating vehicles that can help you to become financially free. Each month you will receive a magazine that will teach you how to make even more money. In short you will run your own marketing business which is marketing the Passive Incomes subscriptions. You will earn a monthly commission on each subscriber for as long as the subscriber remains a subscriber with a minimum subscription period of 12 months.
At only R50.00 per month this is the most affordable business with huge potential you will ever find on the Internet.
Would you like to activate your membership now !
Click the link below to join and be sure to use 2444 as referrer in order to qualify for all the added benefits:


Added benefits after you joined you will get:

- your own free web site which you can use to market this business.
- one of the best back-end systems which you will use to monitor and grow your business
- free online support
- free online training
- a monthly magazine filled with new business ideas
- a business that can set you financially free

Here are some of the reasons why Passive Incomes is the best magazine and the best home based business for you:
It is affordable.
At last a magazine that will teach you how to make more money, not how to spend your money.
The commission vs product price is excellent. If you personally signed up only 8 people you get a magazine and a business for free. In fact you already make a small profit.
It contains the wealth creating information people are looking for on a monthly basis, thus there is a need for the product.
It contains personal development information which will keep the wealth seeker motivated. I found that one of the reasons why some people do not make it in network marketing is because they are new and do not know what to do. Some of them get signed up by just as new uplines who do not know how to support and train their new recruits. With the magazine EVERYBODY will receive some kind of training and motivation inside the magazine.
It will cover wide spectrum of Passive Income generating ideas, from Real Estate Investments to Franchising.
They have the best technology driving the back-end system. Each member will receive his own personalized web site with online registration abilities.
It provides you with one of the most powerful tools to create an ongoing Passive Income, word of mouth marketing.
It is very easy to explain to others.
Excellent online training is provided. The system also provides features like pre-written invitation emails which you can use to email your friends or co-workers.
You can easily run this business from anywhere in Southern Africa. All you need is a PC, Internet connection and a passion to succeed. Even clients from Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho will be able to join and run as successful business.

YES!I want to secure my membership to“PASSIVE INCOMES”Immediately !!


Right now, you have two choices……

1. Take advantage of this opportunity, and change your situation, or

2. Pass on this offer, and continue to get, what you’ve been getting.
Consider the following.How much money do you need ?

Actuaries have worked out a very basic formula to help you reach retirement targets.
To retire at age 55 you will need to have saved 12 times your average annual income
To retire at age 60, you will need to have saved 11 times your average annual income
To retire at age 65, you will need to have saved 10 times your average annual income
The fact is, 95% of people, 65 and older, are either dead broke, or financially dependant on others, and this hardly seems a fair deal. Why are we doing this to ourselves?They choose to work for someone else, who, in effect, sets their income and lifestyles, rather than going out on their own to create the life they really want.The only way to become financially and time free, is to have a permanent ongoing income that keeps coming in long after you did the work to establish it

To view the commission structure see:http://2444.passive-incomes.co.za/index.php?pageID=comm

If you say “No”, is that “No” for now, or “No” forever ?

To your success!

You can contact  us at 078 340 1923 with a ref No 2444

Please note: This web site is not the official ”Passive Incomes” web site. This web site is used to promote Passive Incomes it is has been brought here by Modisaotsile as an independent marketer for Passive Incomes. The official Passive Incomes web site can be found at

